“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”Hamilton Wright Mabi
Most people are spending more time at home during this pandemic. This past six months, I have helped many people sort through all their possessions and try to downsize what they own. Pretty often there is just too much stuff. So as this gift giving season descends upon us, you might want to consider another approach instead of adding to peoples’ stockpile of stuff. Please read the article below for some ideas. Have a wonderful and joyous holiday season.
Organizationally Yours,Maureen
The Organizing Diva-Professional Organizing Services
Giving Experiences Instead of Gifts for the Holidays
There has been a trend in recent years to minimize consumerism and clutter by buying less things during the holidays. One option is give give gift certificates to restaurants or for services to your family and friends. And during these uncertain financial times, your local businesses need your support now more than ever.(Bonus: ordering gift certificates is so easy by phone or online.)
Here are some suggestions for gift certificates:

- restaurants and catering services
- car detailing or car washes
- pet grooming
- manicure/pedicure
- hair salon/barber shop appointment
- house cleaning services
- personal training or nutritional counseling
- window cleaning
- landscaping
- professional coaching or training
- an online class
- professional family portrait
- professional organizing services
Personally, I would take almost any of the above for myself as a recipient.
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